So I'm on tonight, and I find
this link. Read it. It will make you feel warm and fuzzy. When you need the truth, always look for Pat Boone, I say. Essentially, old white-bread himself states that the Media and the Mainstream Politicians are ignoring proof that Iraq had the WMD (I hate that... WMD... let's change it to... Big Can Of Whoop Ass...yeah) ...that Iraq had the Big Can Of Whoop Ass but hid it in Syria. So your first question is, of course, what in the name of Tooti Fruiti is this guy mumbling about? Second question, this guy's still alive - shit, I've got to check my Dead Pool. So... there are tapes...
here there be a link to the tale on CNN. So, the Media is ignoring it, huh, Pat. Thank the pyjamas for that bright light of the Right, CNN... Shit, this guy makes it too easy.
So the low-down is, yep, there be tapes. There be tapes of our villans chatting and plotting. But... ahh, shit, just read the CNN post. I'm losing some precious hair just stressing about the lack of common sense some folks have (I'm looking at you, Mr. Boone). Is this the best the Bush support can do? Sad, really. I remember fondly the days of Reagan when his support would just tell people to shut the fuck up. Reagan's out of touch, we would say. They would say, who ended the Cold War... shut the fuck up.
Sorry, must pause. Tearing up. Those were good days, weren't they?
I'm back. Deep breath. All better.
The Right used to be an enemy to be proud of. It was the guy in the bar that half the bar feared, but some could say "I've gone to parking lot with that lout, I'm lucky to be still standing..." Now, well... its starting to become like picking on the drunk guy in the bar who has been to the parking lot and has been beaten and has pissed himself and is trying to get back in the bar, but the bouncer is carrying him upside-down back to the parking lot where the gay kid in the wheelchair he used to pick on is waiting for him with some friends...
Jesus, where was I going with this? Oh, yeah - I remember now. The right has become C. C. Deville. The left... well, its still kind of like Brett Michaels, but here's its chance to make like Mike Ness and tear the buggers some new assholes.
So, how will I end this rambling? I think I should share another find. This is not a satire. This is freaking real and scary and sad. And if you are at work, maybe you should skip the intro... its fucking disturbed... can be found here. Go there and at first you will laugh, and then you will get angry. Let your blood boil, its good for the soul...
No unclothed ladies, lots of pooh flinging.