If it sticks, its done...

Wednesday, March 15

And He Giggled And Giggled For The Live Long Day

First there was a rumoured video that I could not find...
Then it was found. It is a pretty little thing. Simply beautiful. Ahhh...

And then the questions mounted... where did this come from? Was Apple taking a swipe at Microsoft? Were the basement dwellers finding themselves with little to do between Next Door Nikki updates? Hmmm... we wondered, hmmmm...

And, now, the mystery has been solved, the riddle cracked... Check out this story to find out who or what was behind this evil bit of satire... Suprised? A little, I was as Yoda would say. Goddamn, I'm a geek.



Slackhopper said...

I find it funny ...and a bit creepy....that both you and Craig posted links to this video at almost the same time...and yes, the original source is quite a surprise...wasn't expecting that...

Anonymous said...

and now I know.....breath breath breath...cough weez.. the ...choking gags...the rest of the story....flat line heart monitor.
