Okay, that's my excuse for sitting here all the live long day in my gitch and a dirty t-shirt. But it was worth it. And it will be for anyone who staggers across this sad little corner of the Blog-o-sphere...

First up is a review of Turkish Star Trek by a guy who does not speak Turkish or knows anyone who has ever heard Turkish... Click your mouse here now.

There is also a review of Turkish Star Wars... Really.
Cows... Dinner and entertainment. Who would've thunk? Moo Tube.
Do you ever get those annoying emails that are nothing but a lame joke or the chain e-mails (send to 25 of your closest friends and fortune will come your way soon!) or religious pamphlets or links to lame blogs? Me neither. But if you know someone who does... Thanksno.com. A polite message that will pass along the point, I'm sure.
AreaFace.com is a work in progress. They are attempting to collect a face from every country. Send them yours. Go here.

Some poor bastard visited Fantasy Land in Alexandria, Egypt so you don't have to. Thank him. And check out his pics here.
In a different vein... From LennonMurderTruth.com, by Steve Lightfoot...
"Contrary to all reports about a lone drifter named Mark David Chapman who allegedly shot John Lennon in the back December 8, 1980 you'll find ample evidence in the back issues of Time, Newsweek, and US News and World Report magazines to suggest otherwise. Namely, that John Lennon was, not only politically assassinated, but that Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan and, you'd better sit down, horror novelist Stephen King are the three people who can be proven guilty of the crime. King being the real murderer and Chapman but a look-alike, paid actor misleading you with an absolute hoax, the media in tow."
Oh, boy. Oh, boy, indeed.
And now to something completely different... Ever find yourself sitting around in your gitch and a dirty t-shirt and say to yourself, "Self, I need a foam food costume to promote my restaurant/bar/crayfish cookout and I need it pretty damn quick." Worry no more, Marylen Costumes is here to help.

Just make your way over to Marylen's web site for all your foam food costume needs... Be warned, though, "Lycra bodysuits not included with any of the costumes"...

And one more for good luck...

'nuff said, for now...
Ciao, ciao Mickey Mouse...
i think i must find the turkish version of anything.... right up my alley... help me find copies!!!! PPPPLLLLEEEAASSE!!!
that's awesome...
i'm with you, patti...sweet mother of jeebus, they sound like way too much fun! and we could wear the food costumes while watching....
.....or not....
we could just wear food... don't need to waste money on costumes...i think i'll wear long spagetti...
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