You can have fun, fun, fun and more fun with Lego.

That is borrowed from Escher's "Relativity" in LEGO. Go there now, dammit.
Wait, before you go, remember to also check out Escher's "Ascending and Descending" in LEGO by the same folks.

And there's more fun to be had with Lego.

I don't really know how to explain The Brick Testament. A truly brilliant concept. Just check it out. Now.
For the film fan, who is also without television temporarily, there is Viking's Stationery Movies Quiz. Its a heck of a lot harder than I thought it would be. Good luck. Enjoy. Also, over at Bob and David dot com we find this piece of artistic brilliance, One Full Year Of Kick Ass Movie Pitches. Which one do You want to see in the new year?
Something else to do when you're going through Jennifer Garner withdrawalwl... Play songs on your touchtone phone. Click HERE now. Just do it. Don't be afraid. Its kinda cool, in a wow, how long did that take to figure out and how come you did it, kinda way.
More fun than looking at pictures of Next Door Nikki (not really, but my wife might read this...) is looking at pictures of cemenaccidentallyly spilt in an office. Oooo, ahhhh.

Go here to see more.
Definitely check out The Flat Earth Society's Forums for reasoned and rational discussion. Ahhhh, the Flat Earth Society, what would we be without you...
What else to do when you are being denied the comforting warmth of toothpaste and beer commercials? You could write companies with trulbizarrere questions and see if they answer. Guy Petzall did. And he got answers. So there.
And finally, when you have checked out pretty well every single picture of pretty girls kissing other pretty girls on the Internets' Tubes of Information Highway, you could always send a monkey e-mail. You could. Really. Go here to send someone you love a monkey e-mail. Say monkey, its fun. Say it. I said say it. Jeez.
don't forget Brokeback Mountain done in Lego, visit and click on the Brokeback logo
Oh, sweet jumping Jesus. That kicks some serious ass.
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