Its been a while. I apologize. I've been busy. Okay. I've been fat-butt lazy.
So. What have you been up to? Oh. Wow. Jeez.
Well. I've been reading this. David Plotz, a writer over at Slate, has been blogging the Bible. Its been quite a journey so far. Y'see, Mr. Plotz is Jewish, but was pretty well completely out of touch with what that meant. And so he started reading the Bible. And blogging about it. Check it out. There be weirdness aplenty in the Bible, folks. Weirdness aplenty.
And I found this. Wil Wheaton, yes, that Wil Wheaton, is reviewing episodes of Star Trek:The Next Generation. Even a hater of Star Trek and all things Star Trek will dig these reviews. He's a funny dude, that Wil Wheaton. Yes he is. Read and enjoy. And tell your friends.
And I've been thinking about the number 23...
23 is the smallest group of people in which there is more than a 50% chance that 2 people will share the same birthday (day and month, not year).
2005 December 23 - Azerbaijan Airlines Flight 217 from Baku, Azerbaijan to Aktau, Kazakhstan crashed shortly after takeoff, killing 23 people.
AirIndia Flight 182 (Toronto to New Delhi) was bombed in mid-air on June 23, 1985 killing all 329 people on board.
Hurricane Katrina formed August 23, 2005.
Kurt Cobain was born in 1967 and died in 1994. Both years add up to 23 if counted as individual digits: 1+9+6+7=23. 1+9+9+4=23.
It takes 23 seconds for blood to circulate through the body.
Human somatic cells have 23 pairs of chromosomes.
The first Morse Code transmission - "What hath God wrought?" - was from the Bible, Numbers 23:23.
William Shakespeare was born on April 23, 1564. and died on April 23, 1616.
River Phoenix, was born on August 23, 1970. He died at of 23.
The earth rotates on an axis of 23 and a half degrees
Julius Caesar was stabbed 23 times when he was assassinated.
The first song on Side A of the Beatles first album took 23 takes to record.
Both the Waco tragedy and the Oklahoma City bombing happened on April, 19th. 4+19=23.
Twenty-three. Its like a virus or something. It all started because I read a thing about a Jim Carrey movie, and, well, now its freaking everywhere. And now, you're part of it, too. Sorry.
Anyway, that's some of what I've been up to.
And here is a picture of me and my wife. Ain't she hot?

if you want to read the script to Jim Carrey's new film The Number 23, let me know and I'll send it
She is indeed. Even with her face bleached out so you can't tell the difference between her teeth and her cheeks.
Same thing happened to me re: The Number 23. I wouldn't now call it an obsession, but being mathematically inclined, it certainly does make one think about the rhythm and frequency of 23 and what it means within the context of the universe. or at least it does me. Can't wait to see the movie and see what they do with it.
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