Previously on Flinging Pooh... I posted The Interview Seen Around The World. See below.
ABC News has now entered into the fray and has posted a story on about The Interview Seen Around The World. ABC tries hard (real hard, brother) "to delve deeper into exactly what happened during that "What's the Buzz" interview that went so famously off-track." You see, the whole thing was a hoot, a lark, a chuckle and a buckle. A couple of technical glitches, a novice and a fumble. Not that big of a deal, says ABC. Not that big of a deal at all.
Merry Miller (really, is that her freakin name - Merry?) is brand spanking new to the on-camera side of broadcasting. She's a businesswoman and booker for the late, great Joel Siegel. She taught at the Learning Annex in New York. She is a well-rounded, intelligent woman, I'm sure. Sure she comes off as amateurish, a bit squirrley, clumsy, stupid, unblinkingly retarded, inexperienced, sad, lost in the headlights, oblivious, dumber than a Jack Russell, incompetent, bungling, bumbling, floundering, maladroit, and balmy in the interview with Holly Hunter. But there is a very, very, very, very good reason for that.
In interviews like this one, the interviewer and interviewee are not in the same room and cannot see each other. They rely on ear pieces called IFBs to hear each other and to carry on a conversation. And, according to
"Unfortunately for Miller and unknown to the crew, her IFB failed before she began speaking with Hunter. Another host might have known to alert the crew about the problem and delay the interview while the technical issues were worked out, but the inexperienced Miller gamely tried to speak with Hunter without hearing her responses."
I'm shocked and bewildered. The interviewer, Merry, could not hear the interviewee, Holly. Merry was working without a safety net and had been pushed off the tightrope by a simple technical glitch. Wow.
' "I couldn't hear her, and it's very hard to talk to somebody like that," Miller said. "I give credit to Holly Hunter. She was a pro, a class act. She saved the interview." '
Sweet baby Jesus, thank you. Everything is explained. Jeez Louise, I feel bad for chuckling and laughing and guffawing and carrying on like a chimp on E everytime I watched the video. I want to take this moment and apologize, from the bottom of my toes, to Merry Miller for ever thinking bad of her. For example, for ever thinking she is one chromosone short of being a gecko. Or a brain cell shy of being that guy in Japan who tried to cover up a nuclear spill with a bucket. I'm sorry Merry, I really, honestly am.
Truly and verily, I am merry that Merry got though this with some dignity intact. Rotten technology, making the poor woman seem sad and desparate while interviewing the woman from The Piano and Raising Arizona and Oh, Brother Where Art Thou? and The Firm and Crash.
Just a moment while I clear my throat...
Watch the clip again. At approximately 30 seconds into the clip there is this exchange...
Merry Miller: Okay, we love the show. Tell us what drew you to this character that you play Grace.
Holly Hunter: I'm sorry?
Merry Miller: What drew you to this character that you play Grace?
So. Lets quickly summarize. The interviewer could not see the interviewee. The interviewer could not hear the interviewee. But somehow, someway, Merry Miller knew that Holly Hunter could not hear her. There is one and only one explanation... Merry Miller is in league with the devil and is a witch. Only a witch could answer a question she could not hear. Everything explained. Everything tidy and clean.
For the entire article at go
here. Enjoy.
Last words from Merry that prove she is some kind of freakin business genius...
"The power of the Internet is so [great]," she said. "I'm involved in some online ventures, and my gut had told me that [the Internet] was the future of the world [and this proves] that viral marketing has really kicked in. I'm going to take this phenomenon that I created and drive it somewhere."