As a wiser man than I once said, every film geek has his or her own favourite Crispin Glover movie moment.
Mine is the standing up to Biff scene in Back To The Future or the running around his car screaming scene in Rivers Edge. Or the Larry Flynt brings Jesus to Hustler scene in People vs Larry Flynt.
(Anyway... If anyone still drops by this lonely space on the internet-tubes, tell me - what is your fave-o-rite Crispin Glover movie scene...)
Crispin Hellion Glover was born in 1964. His father is an actor. His father's name is Bruce Glover. This is Bruce Glover as Mr. Wint in Diamonds Are Forever...

Crispin Hellion Glover is an actor.
Crispin Glover appeared in a made for tv movie titled High School USA in 1983.
Crispin Glover appeared in Happy Days also in 1983.
In 1984 Crispin Glover appeared in Friday The 13th:The Last Chapter.
On July 28, 1987 Crispin Glover appeared on David Letterman.

Crispin Glover is a singer.
This is Mr. Glover doing his version of Michael Jackson's Ben, from the film Willard.
And this, this is special. This is the video for Crispin Glover's Clowny Clown Clown.
Crispin Glover is a multi-media army on one.
Recently Crispin Glover filled in for Timothy Olyphant on Sports Update on Indie 103.1.
He has a website. You can find information about his films 'What Is It?' and 'It Is Fine! Everything Is Fine.' and his Big Slideshow and his books and his Compact Discs and how to book him for your special event. Go to his website here.

Crispin Glover is a force of nature.
I just realized in this very moment that the single thing that sets me apart from everyone else is my passion for everything that IS Crispin. Which of course stems back to the Golden Book about that dog that wears overalls. I think that if Crispin wanted to, he could start a religious cult and have a following that would only be surpassed by what Goya did with paint. The old starts the new. *le sigh* I can't even begin to talk about my favorite Crispin momment... does "when he breaths" count? :)
It's good to know I am not alone.
The freakiest thing I ever saw his do was Andy Warhol, the coolest was when he played Willard. But my favorite part is when he's running to tell Michael J. Fox that Darth Vader came from the planet Vulcan and told him to ask Lorraine to the dance or he'd melt his brains XD..
Crispin Glover is the best, simply put. :D
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