If it sticks, its done...

Tuesday, August 2

Uh...Is This Thing On?

Alrighty, then. This is my "blog". From what I understand, a blog is a place where some folks rant, some folks sell R.V.'s, some folks show pictures of unclothed ladies they have found while staggering around the internet. Occasionally (I have heard this from reliable sources) some folks have something that needs to be said. And there being a lack of boxes to stand on and shout from and a lack of people willing to listen to people standing on boxes shouting (except in that park in London, but that's another day and another dollar) these folks have turned to the blog as the new soapbox.
So here I am. Hopefully, as time passes, I will have interesting things to say, that, in another time and another place, I would be shouting from a soapbox, if I was able to find one.
This blog-thingy I've got going here is under construction, I gather. So please be patient while I try to figure this out.
And, if you have staggered here by accident expecting photos of unclothed ladies flinging pooh, I apologize. I'm not from around here.


Slackhopper said...

I'll have you blogging like a pro in no time, baby...welcome to the land of blog!

Anonymous said...

PLease don't fling your poo at me.....can't wait for you to get started with this blog....good luck poo flinger

Carrie Suriano

Anonymous said...

That's right QUINCY... get on that soap box and fling away!....you're one of my favorite ranters...


Anonymous said...


Re: Blogging

See...there's more to the internet than naked chicks and monkeys picking their asses.


Anonymous said...

yes... there is naked chick monkeys picking their asses... or monkeys picking chicks asses...or chicks picking monkey bums... the world is your oyster!....

yippie ky yie yay!!!!


Anonymous said...

And even oysters picking chicks asses picking monkey asses...



Slackhopper said...

the two of you just made me gag up an oyster...ick...

Anonymous said...

saw a kid slurp up a big bright green oyster of his own making once... made me gag for days...almost cancelled the rest of my day due to it...
besides... you make it sound like no man has ever said that to me before...like it's a bad thing?!!


Anonymous said...

women either by the way....
