Let us ponder the meaning of Easter, shall we...
Rabbits, chocolate eggs and bunnies and Homers, people getting nailed to wood, redemption.

And did Jesus really look lie a young Ted Nugent...

I just looked the word Easter up in the dictionary... noun... the most important and oldest festival of the Christian Church, celebrating the ressurection of Jesus Christ and held (in the Western Church) between March 21 and April 25 , on the first Sunday after the first full moon following the northern spring equinox. Orgin... Old English eastre; of Germanic orgin and related to German Ostern and East. According to Bede the word is derived from Eastre, the name of a goddess associated with spring... Nice.

What was going through His mind as he carried his cross up the hill... Was He reflecting on his short life... Was He wondering if all the souls of mankind were worth His sacrifice... Was He giving in to self-doubt or was He sure of His mission... Was He just operating on some kind of unconcious remote, putting foot after foot, His mind filled with fire and fear and pain... Or was He hoping that no matter what happened, no matter how long it took for Him to die at the hands of the Romans, no matter the pain His family was going through, that no-one in two thousand years or so would make an illustrated Walk to The Cross using Legos?

And here, for your religious learning pleasure, is The Brick Testament, by The Reverand Brendan Powell Smith...

So, to all my Christian friends out there, reading this instead of cruising for pictures of unclothed ladies, I hope you have a somber and dignified Easter, reflecting on the courage and the sacrifice of one thirty-three old Jewish man two thousand or so years ago.

For the rest of you... Click here, you're probably going to hell anyway, if they're right...
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