Don't want to be an alarmist here, but... Someone is planning on using some WMD's and it isn't Iran... Get scared here...
Finished reading?
How about now? Okay.
Like I said before, I don't want to be an alarmist here, but... What in Dick Cheney's underpants are they thinking? Have things in Iraq gone so well that they think they can reproduce the experiment next door? Shit, fuck, goddamn.
The only thing that remotely makes any kind of sense to me, and, I don't know, maybe its a stretch... But, what if the Americans pulled out of Iraq right now, at this moment. They just packed up and went home. Said, "Hey, its been fun, its been real, but it hasn't been real fun." They just picked up their toys and said we're not going to play anymore.
Picturing it? Got the image in your mind? The Americans, the British, everyone just packs up and goes.
What happens next?
A civil war, for sure. Probably one that would make the Cambodian civil war look like a well-organized orgy in the Playboy grotto...
And then...what?
How long until the Iranian government starts looking at its rowdy neighbor and begins thinking, "hey, our rowdy neighbor, we should do something about him..." How long until the Iranians take a long, hard look at the Iran-Iraq war and start planning a sequel? Saddam is gone, the country is a mess, the military is in tatters.
Is the only thing holding them back right now the American presence?
Have the Americans screwed things up so badly in Iraq that they need to launch a pre-emptive strike against the Iranians just to prevent them from marching across the border and ordering a round of drinks in Baghdad by the end of the day? Is the Bush administration that void of critical thinking that this is the only possible solution to what they began, what, three years ago?

That border crossing must be a little tempting, the extra oil fields, the easy access to Kuwait and Saudi Arabia and... Jesus, did I just type that? That's dangerous thinking right there. A giant pan-Arabian nation, a giant oil-producing theocracy controlling everything from the Afghan border to Mecca and beyond... Dangerous thinking.
I don't know, though. Its all very... Tom Clancy, that's what it is.
Executive Orders, by Tom Clancy.

Jack Ryan becomes the President, Saddam is assassinated by an Iranian agent, Iran invades Iraq and then moves on Saudi Arabia... and Jack Ryan saves the day, of course.
Is the Bush Administration looking to Tom Clancy novels for inspiration, for foreign policy?
Like I said before, I don't want to be an alarmist here, but...

i pity the poor sot who gets elected after shrub...he's got a fine mess to sort out...
Four More Wars.
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