Now that I have successfully, and gracefully (see previous entry... heh, Ball Butter... heh), entered middle age, I look at my life and see where I have been a Champ - wife, house, two dogs and a fish, and a Cuban refugee boat full of great friends - and where I have been a Chump - look at my job, fuck, just look at it, what happened...
Anyway, like I was saying, with the receding hairline and the-not-enjoying of the first smoke of the day anymore, and the job - just fucking look at it, how did this happen...
I have come to the realization that the guy in the back of the cab in '93 was partially right - I was headed nowhere. But what he didn't know, and probably still doesn't - I mean, come on, who wears a Hugo Boss suit and has the balls to tell the guy depending on his tip that he's a loser, I mean, really - is what I know... if it pays the bills, does it matter? If you've got an amazing wife, a house, two dogs and a fish, and a Cuban refugee boat full of great friends, does the forty hours you spend at work really matter?
Know what I mean?
Clerks was, and is, just about the only movie ever made that captures the feelings of a twenty-something when he wakes up and realizes that he's headed nowhere, and the destination is quickly approaching. It could be behind the counter or it could be behind the steering wheel of a cab, but I think that Kevin Smith truly captured that moment when you realize some decisions need to be made or it might be too late and you could end up living above the New American until the sun cools. The decision to start showering on a regular basis and to grow some in order to face the world head-on was a fierce moment, and it was a scary moment. But, hey, I had help. And help came and kicked me firmly in the ass.
But, then, you have to wonder, what if some folks didn't make that decision...

Now that shit could be funny.
The Clerks 2 trailer has been unleashed upon the world... They still serve you and they still don't like you.
Go to clerks2.com now.
Spread the word. August 18, 2006. Mark it on your calendar now. Book it off or quit your job - what, you had something important to do that day at the office?

PS... If you share the man-crush, or are just a sucker for junkie-friend-quitting-junk stories, Kevin Smith is sharing in a multiple-chapter blog about his hetro-life mate, Jason Mewes... over at My Boring Ass Life
i know you are not the only hetero male with a man crush on Kevin Smith...if I was a man, I would have a man crush on him...instead, I will settle for my crush on Jason Mewes...and you are not going nowhere...you are going to bed with me every night...some dudes would quit their 6 figures a year job for a chance like that....
I jest, of course...
FYI...Kevin Smith is now one of my friends on "my space"...nar nar...
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